Thank you for choosing GIADA (Global Institute of Ayurvedic Dermatology and Aesthetics) for your educational needs. We are committed to providing you with high-quality courses and training. Please review our refund policy carefully before making a purchase.
- To be eligible for a refund, you must request it within 7 days of purchasing the course. - If more than 7 days have passed since your purchase, unfortunately, we cannot offer you a refund.
- Refunds are only applicable if the course content significantly differs from the description provided on our website. - Technical issues that prevent you from accessing the course material may also qualify for a refund.
1. To request a refund, contact our support team at []( or call us at 9910246202.
2. Provide your order details and the reason for the refund request.
3. Our team will review your request and respond within 7 days with the outcome.
4. Refunds at Giada Institute are processed within 5-7 working days after approval, and the amount will be credited to the original payment method or directly to the participant's bank account.
- If your refund request is approved, the refund amount will be calculated based on the proportion of the course content that you have not accessed. - Any applicable discounts applied during purchase will also be factored into the refund amount.
- Refunds will be processed using the original payment method used during the purchase. - Refund processing times may vary depending on your payment provider.
- Once a refund is processed, access to the course content will be revoked.
- If you face technical difficulties accessing the course content, please contact our technical support team at [] ( - Our team will work to resolve any technical issues promptly.
- GIADA reserves the right to modify or update this refund policy without prior notice. - It is recommended to review the refund policy on our website before making a purchase. For any further questions or clarifications, please feel free to contact us at [] ( or call 9910246202. Your satisfaction is important to us, and we are here to assist you.