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CADC Nov 2024 Batch, only 3 Seats Left Enroll Today

Certificate In Kerala Panchkarma


Panchkarma is a unique technique to cleanse & rejuvenate the mind and body with the help of Indian treasure of medicine- Ayurveda. It can be helpful to balance the flow of energy and channelize it in different parts by utilizing knowledge & various bodywork techniques. Be a professional in this technique and heal the medical problems from the root without any side effects as all the natural ingredients are used in the process. This course consists of philosophy, principles, and implementation methods that are described in our Vedas.

Why should you enrol in this course?

In the age of modern science, sometimes medicines heal the problem but are not effective to cure it from the bottom. Panchakarma is more effective to cure the problem from within and this way you can enhance your clinical results.

After completing hands on course, the Doctor can find job placements in Ayurvedic hospitals, Panchakarma centres, Health resorts, wellness centres, Rehabilitation centres etc and also can to open their own panchakarma centre.

Course schedule

  • Introduction (about Ayurveda and Panchkarma )
  • Lacture on Ayurveda , panchkarma, disease and solutions in panchkarma .
  • Marketing and management aspact of panchkarama.
  • Modified form of panchkarma treatment for small and large clinic.
  • Patient selection, counselling and treatment.
  • A- Z training about panchakarma.
  • Pre and post procedure details.
  • Full treatment procedure demonstration panchkarma
    • Demonstrate the types of procedures such as Shirodhara, Shirobasti, Shirobhyanga, Padabhyanga, Udwartana, Udgharshana, Mardana, Samvahana, SiroPichu and Sthanik Pichu, Lepa, Kavalaand, Gandoosha (gargling)
    • Explain about standard operating procedures for Sweda Karma (fomentation) and its benefits.
    • Demonstrate the Tapa Sweda (fomentation), Upanaha Sweda (poultice), Ushma Sweda (herbal steam and Bolus bags).
    • Explain about the pharmacodynamics, indications, contraindications of various panchakarma procedures such as Vamana Karma (therapeutic emesis), Virechana Karma (purgation), Basti Karma (enema), Nasya Karma (nasal administration of oils and herbal derivatives), Rakta Mokshana (therapeutic bloodletting) .
    • Explain about the concepts of Samyak Yoga, Ati Yoga and Ayoga, Lakshanas.
    • Discuss about the Vyapads (complications) in Vamana, Virechana, Nasya, Basti and Raktamokshana.
  • Hands-on Procedure
  • Complications
  • Do’s and don’ts
  • Certificate after course completion
    • Demonstration with pre-procedure setup.
    • Quick recap with safety protocols.
Minimum Qualification :

BAMS, BUMS, doctors who want to polish their skills by learning about new equipment and techniques can register for this course.

Enroll Now
Invalid Applications

Candidates are advised to read all instructions carefully before sending their applications otherwise their applications are likely to be rejected on one or more of the following reasons in terms of the notifications.

  • Applications received after the closing date.
  • Applications not in prescribed format.
  • Candidates not having the required qualifications
  • Applications without latest photo not being pasted in the provided space.
  • Applications without declaration.
  • Application without signature.
  • Applications without supporting documents.
  • Applications, which are incomplete/illegible in any manner.
  • Applications without the prescribed Application Fee (as applicable).